Monday, November 19, 2012

Companies That Get It #1

I love to hear or read about companies that get it.  So I'm going to start posting to share with others.

Companies That Get It #1:

Cofounder and CEO Seth Besmertnick

What makes a great person for Conductor?
  1. Self-Awareness
  2. Self-Improvement
  3. Passion
  4. Good Communication
Love this quote by Seth:
"How people spend the time when they’re not working and when they’re not sleeping is the biggest indication in my mind of what they want in life, and how ambitious they are, and how committed they are, and how curious they are." 

Click here to a great interview in the NY Times

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Employee Engagement is like a Jellyfish

I find that when I talk about employee engagement, the person I’m talking to wants to know what I think engagement is. The definition of employee engagement is nebulous -- no one seems to be able to clearly define it. 

Last week, I as talking with a very smart woman whose position is to strategically think ahead of the curve of her industry and help propel her company ahead of the competition through innovation and transformation. She asked me what I thought engagement meant. My answer was not nearly as clear as I wish it could have been, but it got me thinking… employee engagement is like a jellyfish.